Title: The Doctor’s Heart
Author: Andrew Grey
Series: Carlisle Medical (Book 1)
Genre: M/M
Contemporary Romance
Publisher: DreamSpinner Press
Release Date: Dec 14, 2021
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Rosco is an emergency room doctor with a daughter who relies
on him. Between his career and family, he has little time for any type of
personal life. But he finds himself flirting with one of the ambulance EMTs
and, to his surprise, he gets flirted with right back.
Miguel is surprised the handsome ER doc even knows who he
is. His own life is a little dull, but making eyes at Doc and getting a
response supercharges his days. After he’s injured on the job, Miguel gets a
firsthand look at Doc Rosco’s incredible bedside manner, not to mention the
rest of him.
As the two men tentatively start exploring the attraction
that has simmered for months, the head of medicine takes exception to their
budding relationship. Pressure builds, and the two men must make decisions
about their lives, their jobs, and the one thing that could make each of them
happy… each other.